2008年12月4日 星期四

Zimbabwe riot police charge protestors

My reactions:
Zimbabwe riot police wielding batons charged protesting union members, doctors and nurses to disperse demonstrations on Wednesday as the country sank further into crisis.

In my opinion, the riot is very terrible. It seems a little war. So, this situation I think it is very common, it always happen many struggles between police and protestors. Whether the police is the charger or defender. But there is high possibility for police to be victims. Why? Because the police can’t harm the population, then they got hit easily. Even they did, they have to be punished by the rule too. Those are the reasons why I pity them.

Why the riot has been created? Personally, I think it’s because they don’t like the government and want them to quit. The second one is the Economic problem. For example, the goods become more and more expensive, the low wage and the high living expenses, the flood of goods. Then they want the government solves these problems. If the government doesn’t achieve their desire, it is the beginning of riot or protestation. In my country, there is a mob who called themselves “The alliance of population for democracy.” And I am very curious about them. How their democracy is? Because their actions are opposite to the meaning of democracy. They don’t accept anything. In addition, everything they want must be achieved. If not, they always do something terrible and cruel to coerce government until their desires be successful. It seems their suggestion, their opinion, their idea are correct. But other 65 million people are wrong and less important than they are. The most shameful is their got money of this thing. (253 words)
